What do you first think of when you hear the word JELL-O?

I always imagine jumping into a pool of delicious jiggling red jello.
It's on my life list to accomplish this feat. I am determined!

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Wonders of Audactiy

For my personal technology assignment, I have decided to research and explore the possible lesson plan connections with a music editing technology called Audacity.

Being able to edit music is a huge part of choreography in dance. I am thinking as a part of my choreography unit, I could teach my students how to download and use Audacity. I could then assign them to use the basic tools of Audacity (cut, copy, paste) to edit a piece of music for the dance that they choreograph for the unit.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! If you're on a mac, Garageband is better, I think, but Audacity is great for working on any kind of computer.
