What do you first think of when you hear the word JELL-O?

I always imagine jumping into a pool of delicious jiggling red jello.
It's on my life list to accomplish this feat. I am determined!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Internet Safety

The videos I watched were:

The News Report on Teens Sharing Information

The Frontline Documentary "Growing Up On-Line"

I also read the article:
"Just a game?"

The thing that surprised me the most was the part of the documentary that addressed cyberbullying and anorexia. I was shocked to discover how much parents didn't know about their children's internet life...to the point that suicide and eating disorders could take place right under the parents nose.

Above all, I learned from this assignment that no parents should let their child have their own computer in their own room. I don't think parents need to be as obsessive as demanding their children's private passwords, but I don't believe that children need their own computers in their rooms. (all of the children with problems in the documentary had their own computer.)

This has informed me that I should be proactive as a parent and a teacher in knowing about my children's and my student's lives. I really appreciate when my family members/teachers are friends with me on facebook and take interest in my life. I think if children are friends with their teachers/parents within social networks, they will be more cautious as to what they put on line.

I don't think kids are as bad as the documentary made them out to be. It seems to me that most kids just use the internet as a way to wind down after school and a way to have fun with their friends. I think those kids that are getting into trouble on the internet would be getting into trouble without the internet too.

I also never considered the danger of identity theft for some reason. I have always been cautious not to put my birthday etc. becuase I was scared I would be stalked or someting...I never considered identity theft as a possible consequence.

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