What do you first think of when you hear the word JELL-O?

I always imagine jumping into a pool of delicious jiggling red jello.
It's on my life list to accomplish this feat. I am determined!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Yay for Videos on the Internet!

This week I created my very own account at viddler.com. I am so excited to explore the site and find ways that it can improve my dance teaching!

In dance education, it is SO important that students have the opportunity to:

-View themselves dancing
-Receive personal feedback of their dancing
-Critique others' dance technique and performance
-View professional dance performences

I'm hoping that I can use video communication tools such as Viddler to help my students accomplish these things!

1 comment:

  1. Kelli, if you use Viddler, can you post your experience on your blog so I can link to it for everyone to learn more about?
